Hope everyone is healthy, safe and enjoying time with family.
It has been a while, so I wanted to post some updates. As everyone knows, the state has embarked on a extended shelter at home period to May 26, 2020. As of right now, our plan is to reopen the day after. Of course, as with anything else involving the Corona virus, this is highly subject to change. As always, if you have any concerns please feel free to contact me at home. My phone number is listed on the answering machine, and I really do appreciate calls, it is nice to feel like a dentist.
We are starting to invest thought in what a reopening will look like. As time goes on, it becomes more clear that the pandemic is something we will be living with for some time and as such we need to adjust how we operate to accommodate it. From the patients perspective there will be notable changes when we reopen. Below is a list
of likely changes, which themselves are highly likely to change:
-Telephone screen prior to appointment
-Requesting patients wait for their appointments in their cars, with staggered entry and exit.
- Temperature taken at entrance
-Enhanced personal protective gear for staff including scrub cap, face shield and Level 3 or N or KN95 masks
-Delay between seating patients with separate Hydrogen Peroxide cleanse and "normal" antibacterial/antiviral cleaner

-Hydrogen Peroxide rinse before and after appointment
-Use of a dental dam during restorative procedures
-Restricted use of aerosol creating procedures in hygiene such as an ultrasonic or piezo and limited polish
I will post an update when I have more information to provide. Also, as our plans finalize for re-opening, I will publish a separate informational sheet so that patients know what to expect.
Please everyone be safe and enjoy this time. If there is anything I can help with, let me know.
Dr. Bryan